
Sunday, June 14, 2015

How to get a case of beer or the girl that you love - Bavarian tradition

I have learned so many traditions during my visit to Munich and each one is worth telling about and intriguingly a lot of these traditions involve the golden liquid.
This is for all the men who want to win over their girlfriends or wives.

In the early days there was a tried and tested way to show a lady that you loved her. All the man had to do was cut a large tree, take it back home, clean out the branches and polish the bark. Then he would carve out beautiful designs on it,including little clues to his identity on the bark.
Now after working so hard on this, he would again need to drag the tree back in front of his beloved's house at night, ensuring that no one sees him.

The next day when his beloved gets up in the morning and comes out of the house, she would see this beautiful maypole in her courtyard. Looking at the design she is supposed to guess at the identity of her lover. At this point, the man who is hidden nearby would be waiting to hear the decision of his beloved.

If the lady loves his back, she would dance around the maypole signalling that she loves him and both are happy.
If the lady does not love him back, well tough luck, but in order not to disappoint the man, she would go inside her home and come back with a case of beer and put it at the base of the maypole. The man may not get the girl, but he still gets the beer to drown his sorrows in.

You can give this a try... 

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