Thursday, June 24, 2010
New Moon - The Twilight saga continues
Bella, a human, has fallen in love with a “vegetarian” vampire, Edward Cullen and now she is afraid that while she would grow old with time and her skin would be covered with wrinkles, Edward would always look the same. Would Edward still love her then? Bella is now determined to become one of them – “the blood sucking creatures”. However Edward refuses to even consider this as an option, he is afraid that once Bella becomes a vampire, she would lose her soul. The story starts with Bella turning 18 and getting one year older than Edward (though not in reality since Edward is over hundred years old, but he was 17 when he became a vampire and has stayed so ever since) Alice organizes a birthday party at the Cullen house, where the turn of events changing Bella’s life occurs. While unwrapping the presents, Bella cuts her finger and though its not a deep cut, Jasper – the newly turned vegetarian Cullen, tries to kill Bella. Edward in his haste to keep Bella out of danger pushes her further where Bella hits the glass and her arm starts bleeding. Now no one is able to control their thirst and all look at her with thirsty eyes. Chalrlisle takes Bella and starts tending first aid to stop the bleeding. Everybody else however have to go out to get away from the blood. The next day Edward comes to say goodbye to Bella. The Cullens are going away for good, they had stayed in Forks for a long time now and Charlisle who is supposed to be over 30s does not look like his age. Bella wants to go away with Edward, but he bluntly refuses, mentioning that she is not good for him. The only thing that Edward asks from Bella is a promise that she would take care of herself and not get into difficult and dangerous situations, and in turn Edward promises that Edward never existed in her life. Bella tries to run behind Edward and gets lost in the woods, alone, desperate and with a gaping hole in her chest that could not healed with anything except Edward’s love.
When Charlie comes home and finds Bella gone, he organizes a massive search party and ultimately Sam, a guy from La Push, finds Bella and brings her back. For days and months, Bella acts like a zombie, burning inside with rejection, with betrayal. She gets up in the middle of the night screaming as a aftermath of her nightmares. Charlie tries to make her go to her mom, but she refuses. Bella still has hope that Edward would come back for her. After much push from Charlie, she decides to go to a movie with Jessica. While coming back, she sees some guys standing in the alley way and then she sees Edward in her mind, urging her to go on, to not look at them. She realizes that since Edward had broken the promise to be with her forever, she could break her promises too, and that would make them even. She gets some old scrap bikes and goes to Jacob Black to get them fixed. Jacob, as usual welcomes her with open arms and agrees to work on the bikes to make them in running condition as well as teach her to ride the bike. Bella starts meeting up with Jacob everyday and while Jacob works on the bike they get talking. With him, Bella’s hurt started disappearing, even though for a smaller duration and only when Jacob was around. But she started looking forward to their time together. Jacob teaches her to ride the bike and Bella realizes one more thing. Whenever she is doing any dangerous thing, she could see Edward in her mind. She tries to grasp those small times with Edward and even after a lot of falls from the bike, she still wants to go ahead with it. Jacob talks about Sam, the goon of La Push, he says, and that everybody is somehow asking him for council but he does not like the way people follow Sam around. Even his old friend Embry, who used to be with Jacob earlier, has now joined Sam’s gang, and Jacob resents it. Bella’s school friends whom she had neglected when she was with Edward start neglecting her now. Only Angelina and Mike welcome her back. Mike has broken up with Jessica and now that Edward is not there sees his chance with Bella,
Bella decides to go to a movie with everybody and also invites Jacob along. However, due to stomach-flu finally only Jacob and Mike turn up for the movie. By the end of the movie, Mike mentions that he has also got the stomach-flu. Jacob, tries to tell Bella that he likes her, but Bella refuses him mentioning that he would always be just a friend for her. Jacob agrees to wait for her even if it took a long time and promises to never hurt her like Edward did. However, the next day, Jacob does not turn up. Billy phones and tells Bella that Jacob has also contradicted the stomach-flu and would not be visiting any visitors. Many days go by and still Jacob neither comes nor calls Bella. Charlie mentions that hikers had come across huge bears and people had gone missing from the woods. He asks Bella to stay away from the woods till the animal was found. However, Bella ignores the warnings and goes to find the meadow where Edward had taken her. She realizes that even if this place was their favourite, she could not see Edward here. However she does meet Laurent. He had come to check upon the Cullens and Bella for Victoria. When Laurent realizes that Bella is all alone with noone to protect her, he decides to make a meal out of her. Suddenly, out comes huge wolves and start chasing Laurent away. Bella runs off from there and reports to Charlie that it was not the bears that people saw but wolves.
One day finally Bella decides to go herself and meet Jacob. When she comes face to face with him, Jacob tells her to go back and not come again. When Bella realizes that Jacob is with Sam, she tries to put the fault on Sam for getting Jacob involved in the gang when he did not want to. But Jacob refuses and blames the Cullens for what is happening; Sam is only trying to help out everybody. Bella is confused about all that is happening and she realizes that Jacob had not exactly healed her hole of Edward but had got into her heart and carved out a separate hole for himself. Jacob, not bearing the hurt on Bella’s face, comes to her house in the night and tells her to think about the story he had told long before on the beach. He tells her to think hard about where the legend mentioned they had originated from, and mentions that if Bella could somehow remember the story then there need not be anything hidden between them again. Bella tries to figure it out and realizes that Jacob is a werewolf.
The next day Bella goes to confront Sam and ask him to turn Jacob back. However Paul looses his anger and changes to werewolf in front of her and Jacob also does the same to protect Bella. Sam asks Embry to take Bella back at Emily’s place and they would join back soon. Emily, is Sam’s soulmate, a ‘wolf-girl’. Emily’s one side of the face is marked with claws when Sam had once changed to a wolf in her proximity scarring Emily for life. Jacob explains to Bella that the killings were not done by the wolves but by a vampire, who was for some reason trying to enter Forks. However, the wolves were thwarting her effort. The only thing that they did not know was what she was after. After hearing all this, Bella realizes that Victoria had come back for her, to take revenge for James death. Even though Edward had left Bella, Victoria still thought of her as Edward’s mate and the only way to avenge James death was not the death of his killer but of the killers mate – Bella. Jacob explains all this to Sam and they decide to have proper look outs for Bella in and around Forks so that they could catch Victoria and kill her for once and all.
Even though Jacob was now with Bella, all the roaming around in night and guarding the area, would leave Jacob tired and Bella once again started feeling the hole in her heart. She now wanted new ways of keeping Edward alive in her memory and she realizes cliff diving is one of the most dangerous things. Jacob promises her to take her for the recreational activity but from a lower point where it would be easier. However when Jacob does not turn up, Bella decides to go on her own. She jumps off the cliff and she thinks it to be very easy, till she realizes that the dangerous part of all are the tides. On the other side, the werewolves were chasing Victoria from the woods and she also jumps into the water. While Bella is drowning in the water she sees Victoria coming for her. Jacob saves Bella and gets her out of the water. Charlie’s friend Harry had died of a heart attack and he goes to Harry’s place for the funeral arrangements. When Bella comes home, she finds Alice there. Alice had seen a vision of Bella jumping off the cliff and thinks that Bella attempted suicide and when she does not see Bella coming out of the water, she assumes that Bella is dead. However, Bella reassures her that Jacob saved her just in time. Somehow for no reason apparent, Alice realizes that she cannot see the werewolves. Jacob comes in to check on Bella and when the phone rings he tells that Charlie is not at home but is arranging for the funeral. Alice suddenly has a vision that Edward had gone to Volturri for asking them to kill him. Rosalie tells Edward about Alice’s vision and when Edward hears about the funeral over the phone, he jumps to conclusion that Bella had died.
Alice mentions that the only person who can stop Edward now is Bella. They jump on a plane and go to Italy. Alice mentions that the Volturri had rejected Edward’s plea for death and now Edward would need to motivate them for killing him. The Volturri value the fact that humans are oblivious about vampires and anyone who defies that is killed. Edward decided that he would walk into the sunlight and when his body would shine like the diamonds, the humans would know something is amiss and Volturri would kill him. However, Bella reaches just in time to stop Edward and somehow convinces Edward that she is alive and in front of him. The volturri however have not forgotten the fact that Edward tried to make their presence known and they ask for an audience with Edward, Bella and Alice. Aro, the main leader of Volturri, has the gift that he can every thought of a person just by touching him. Jane, has the gift that she could bring pain to anyone by thinking about it. Aro realizes that his gift does not work on Bella and neither does anyone elses gift and he is intrigued. However, his rules mention that no humans are allowed the knowledge of vampires. He decides to kill Bella unless Edward promises to turn her into a vampire. Alice shows Aro her vision where she has seen Bella becoming one of them. Aro is satisfied for now, but mentions that he would come and check it himself in sometime.
The Cullens move back to Forks again and Bella is once again happy. However, since the vampires are back, her friendship with Jacob suffers. Jacob asks Bella to choose between him and Edward and Bella chooses Edward. While parting away, Jacob reminds Edward that the treaty that was present between them would no longer be valid if they bite a human. Bella, remembering Alice’s words to Aro, takes a vote among the Cullen family of whether she should be turned into a vampire. The date is set for Bella to become a vampire.
Would Bella have her happily ever after with Edward? What happens to Victoria? And now what would Volturri do? Some questions would be answered while some new ones would be raised in the third part of Twilight saga – Eclipse.
Also read my review of the first book of the series - Twilight
First look on London, UK
One of my friend’s father once told me that when you go to
I arrived in
The next day dawned again at around 5 am (I think before that). When I suddenly got up, I saw the sun shining again brightly. Doesn’t the sun go to sleep like it does everywhere else !!! I got up, got ready and off to office.
The transport here is expensive and zone 1 is the most expensive. People do a lot of workarounds so that they pay less for travelling within zone 1. I have to still get hang of all the transport and moving around, but thought of just penning down a few of the things that I do know.
I have not seen anything of
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Ravaan - Mani Ratnam's new movie
A Mani Ratnam venture, shot in 3 languages - Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. When we hear about the film, hear about the director, thats all, we are ready to go for the movie. But are all movies really worth all the hype? I was eagerly waiting for the release of Ravaan, and today, in betwix a lot of things, I went to watch that movie. and BOY it was such a disaster for me.
Ravaan is the story of Beera(Abhishek Bachaan), a terror in a place called Lalmati. Some think of him as Robin Hood and some call him "Ravaan". The movie starts with a lot of police killings, where they show people burning policemen within the station and outside. Rajini (Aishwarya) is the wife of the Dev (Vikram), the new SP of Lalmati.
Beera kidnaps Rajini and vows to kill her in the coming 14 hours. However, seeing how Rajini has no fear of death, Beera is awed, and cannot kill her. The entire first half of the movie is about how Rajini tries to run away from Beera and how he keeps holding her back. A lot of drama with Beera mainly saying the same dialogues again and again, (looks a little psycho here) ... "bakbak, bakbak, bakbak". And atleast I thought that there were a lot of songs in the first half. Rajini's fighiting spirit makes Beera fall in love with her.
The reason why Beera kidnaps Rajini becomes clear in the second half. Lakshman, Ram's brother, had cut off the nose of Shurpanakha, Ravaan's sister. In the movie the scene is a little bit more tragic and makes our police look really bad. Govinda has played the role of "Hanuman", with him finding Sita - Rajini, at Beera's (Ravaan) lair. However, here the "Ramayan" takes a turn. I was expecting Hanuman to light up Ravaan's Lanka, but instead it is Ravaan who burns up Ram's tents, as a revenge for Ram killing Ravaan's brother, who had come to make a truce with Ram. The story takes quite a turn here, with a little bit of pieces taken from Ramayan, but not coming out that well.
I would have been more happy if the movie was named "Beera" instead of "Ravaan". Just because you take a similar type of story as Ramayan and make Beera say dialogues like "Das sir vala hun .." does not make the story about Ravaan. Beera has been shown as a person from adivasi area. So, just like we cannot comment on the naxalites - what their needs are, why they are as they are, we cannot say why Beera is such a terror in the first place. Why he kidnaps Rajini is clear in the movie. But, that does not make him a Ravaan. I am not saying that Beera is good, but guess he is the villian of the movie, from the start. Some people are villians, without any reason. What can I say!!
Overall, for me the movie was a very bad idea.
If you have liked "Guru" and/or "Yuva", then beware, this movie might be a disappointment to you.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Twilight Book review

A small peek if you wanna watch the movie ..
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Queens' restaurant
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Rajneeti - Movie Review